How to print a customized recipe book

Hi everyone,

I already have working the web app to print the recipe’s book in word format. It is not exactly printed with the format Doro sent me due to several reasons:
a) first : the word library is very limiting, so I can do only certain things
b) in most cases, the students have created recipes with so many different text field lenghts that it is almost impossible to rely on one format.
c) I can work still on many things, for example, adding different font colours or types and make some drawings, including some logos, adding footers… I’m opened to suggestions

The main idea of producing the book in doc format was to let the students modify it at will, correcting errors and reformating pages, so please, feel free to introduce any change, correction that you might what to do.

I had to purge some weird chars in some recipes that prevented including some recipes in the doc, for example those recipes that had the quote char (“).

To access this app follow these steps:

1. logging in (if you don’t remember your password, use this user):
login: jdn
pwd: 123456

2. Paste this link in the browser:

3. Customize the book as you wish: Select all the recipes to be included and play with the different options, then press on “Print it” at the bottom of the webpage.

Try it and let me know what you think.

My college Maria is working with the augmented reality functionality. The idea is that you can capture with your smartphone the images of the recipe book and get an animation and the video with the augmented reality feature. As soon as it is ready, we’ll let you know how to play with it. It is a really cool functionality that might give us some extra points in the evaluation of our project by our differente national agencies.

Please, let me know what you think.
